Monitoring & Evaluation

SSPPR – Estimate of Community Uptake
Haase, T. and Pratschke, J. (2003)
Second Analysis of Community Uptake under the European Union Special Support Programme for Peace and Reconciliation. This report addresses, in particular, the issue of religious community uptake of available funding and the complex relationship between religious community background, deprivation, funding applications and approved funding. The paper examines the number of project applications made and approved [...]

Analysis of Community Uptake
Haase, T. and Pratschke, J. (1999)
First Analysis of Community Uptake under the European Union Special Support Programme for Peace and Reconciliation. The report analysed the uptake of funds under the EU-SSPPR (Peace I) by the two major religious groups in Northern Ireland by providing a picture of the numbers of applications made and approved, and their value. This data was [...]