The Longitudinal HP Deprivation Index (ED)
Longitudinal Study of Area-level Deprivation in Ireland, 1991-2011
The diffusion of deprivation indices and their application in a wide variety of contexts raises a number of conceptual and methodological issues, particularly in relation to the analysis of change over time. This study seeks to address these issues by developing an aggregate-level theoretical approach which can guide the construction of a statistical model for enumeration districts in Ireland using five waves of census data (1991, 1996, 2002, 2006, 2011). The authors use a powerful and flexible family of statistical models—multiple-group mean and covariance structural equation modelling—to obtain comparable estimates of affluence and deprivation for each wave of data. The scores for the three component dimensions—referred to as demographic vitality, social class composition, and labour market situation—are mapped using GIS techniques, together with an overall measure of affluence and deprivation. Using the maps and other results the study provides an original discussion of the sociospatial impacts of the economic boom in Ireland between 1996 and 2006, and the subsequent downturn. The study highlights the importance of population flows and housing-market dynamics in understanding the nature of each phase and when evaluating the sustainability of economic growth.
Downloads, 1991 – 2011
- “A Longitudinal study of area-level deprivation in Ireland, 1991-2011″ in Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 2014, volume 41 (PDF)
- NUTS 5 (ED-level) Datafile covering five census waves 1991 – 2011 (Excel 0.1MB)
- NUTS 1-4 (Regional Aggregates) Datafile covering five census waves 1991 – 2011 (Excel 5.8MB)
Downloads, 1991 – 2006
(Note: This analysis is now superseeded by the five wave analysis)
- Conceptual Underpinnings of the Irish Deprivation Measures 1991 – 2006 (PPT 7.7MB)
- The Multidimensional Measurement of Poverty (PPT 5.2MB)
- Applications and Outlook of the Irish Deprivation Measures (PPT 10.2MB)
Mapping Files
- NUTS 5 (ED-level) Deprivation Measures covering the 2006 data (ESRI Shape Files 21.5MB)