Register of Use
Projects using the Pobal HP Deprivation Index for Small Areas
The small area level data of the Pobal HP Deprivation Index is not publicly available, but can be requested from the authors subject to a license agreement. For public bodies and academic users the data is free of charge, whilst its commercial use is subject to a license fee. Please contact for further details.
The following projects are registered users of the Pobal HP Deprivation Index for Small Areas.
Government Departments and State Agencies
Central Statistics Office
- Optimising the sampling strategies for CSO Household Surveys. Based on a detailed simulation study (Haase and Pratschke, 2012), the CSO includes the Pobal HP Deprivation Index as a central element in the sample design of all future CSO household surveys.
- Benchmarking the CSO Residential Property Price Index (RPPI). The CSO is investigating the use of the Pobal HP Deprivation Index as a key predictor of price in the compilation of an alternative experimental RPPI.
Contact: Gregg Patrick
- A particular example of the strength of the new sampling approach at the CSO is provided in the publication of the results of the Irish Health Survey in 2016.
Contact: Damien Lenihan
Department of Education and Skills
- Research into the effect of socio-economic background on education outcomes.
- Targeting of initiatives aimed at disadvantaged schools and communities, DEIS.
Contact: George Carolan
Health Intelligence Unit, Health Service Executive
- Research into the effect of socio-economic background on health outcomes.
- Development of an Irish Healthcare Resource Distribution System, Resource Profiler.
Contact: Howard Johnson
National Cancer Registry Ireland
- Research into into the equality in access to cancer care in Ireland. Study funded by the Irish Cancer Society and jointly undertaken by the NCRI, HIU, Trutz Haase and Jonathan Pratschke.
Contact: Harry Comber
Beaumont Hospital
- Studies on kidney transplant outcomes and end stage renal disease, including a comparison of the distribution of kidney transplants with the national distribution of HP Deprivation Index scores.
Contact: Patrick O’Kelly
St Jame’s Hospital – Mercer’s Institute for Successful Ageing
- The LAMP Project (Local Asset Mapping Project) is a preventative health initiative of St. James’s Hospital (, identifying “assets” that may have an impact on the health of the community. The Pobal HP Deprivation Index is being used to inform the LAMP project of the socio-ecomonic conditions in which these assets exist.
Contact: Chris Soraghan
Revenue Commissioners
- Since the introduction of the Local Property Tax in 2013, Revenue is using a variety of data sources to provide valuation guidance to property owners to assist them to accurately assess the values of their homes. The Pobal HP Deprivation Index is one of the variables used in the valuation model that drives the guidance provided. Details of the methodology used in the model and the resulting guidance are available at
Contact: Keith Walsh
Family Support Agency
- The Family Support Agency core funds 107 Family Resource Centres in local communities around Ireland, as part of the Family and Community Services Resource Centre (FRC) Programme. The aim of the FRC Programme is to combat disadvantage and improve the function of the family unit. The Pobal HP Deprivation Index is used towards the effective targeting of the most disadvantaged communities.
Contact: Deirdre Fradl
Irish University Association
- The Higher Education Access Route (HEAR) is a college and university admissions scheme which offers places on reduced points and extra college support to school leavers from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds. HEAR has been set up by a number of colleges and universities as evidence shows that socio-economic disadvantage can have a negative effect on how well a student does at school and whether they go on to college. The index scores of the Pobal HP Deprivation Index constitute one of the six criteria which are applied to assess whether a student is eligible to benefit from HEAR.
Department of the Environment – RAPID
- The RAPID (Revitalising Areas by Planning, Investment and Development) Programme is a Government initiative, which targets 51 of the most disadvantaged areas in the country. The Programme aims to ensure that priority attention is given to the 51 designated areas by focusing State resources available under the National Development Plan. The Programme also requires the Government Departments and State Agencies to bring about better co-ordination and closer integration in the delivery of services. The designation of the RAPID areas is based on the Pobal HP Deprivation Index.
National Transport Authority
- The National Transport Authority (NTA) has a statutory responsibility to ensure that it obtains maximum social benefit from the funding provided. To this end, NTA has established a framework for the evaluation of social benefits, to be used where resources need to be prioritised. The purpose of this framework is to give NTA a basis upon which it can approve or initiate changes to socially necessary services, by providing the relevant information to support decision making in marginal or doubtful cases. The Pobal HP Deprivation Index is an important ingredient in this process.
Contact: Barry Colleary
Sustainable Energy Authority
- Project involving the development of a basic fuel poverty risk map for use by SAI. The Pobal HP Deprivation Index will be used to inform the targeting of fuel poverty programmes and to test and develop potential indicators of fuel poverty.
Contact: Brian Hession
Garda Síochána – Mapping Section
- Cartographic and GIS services maintaining ESRI geo-databases and MapInfo Datasets for An Garda Síochána.
- The Pobal HP Deprivation Index is used for the socio-economic profiling of Garda Districts. The Garda district boundaries are available as an overlay at Pobal Maps and allow both Garda personnel and the general public to gain insight into the socio-economic characteristics of local areas.
Contact: Paul Creaner
Regional Assemblies – Gateway Development Index
- The Gateway Development Index (GDI) reports on the development of the nine National Spatial Strategy (NSS) Gateways measuring the extent to which these gateways are progressing as drivers of regional economic development. The Report establishes a baseline analysis of the performance of the Gateways across a wide range of indicators which include the Pobal HP Deprivation Index.
Contact: Adrian O’Donoghue
Local Authorities
Local Authorities use the Pobal HP Deprivation Index to:
- Identify the small areas of affluence and deprivation within their respective counties.
- Promote an appreciation of the multi-factorial nature of disadvantage among the public and the agencies charged with addressing these issues.
- Inform policies and resource allocations of the agencies charged with addressing these issues.
- Use a shared theoretical and analytical base to promote inter-agency collaboration and co-operation in addressing the issues of social disadvantage.
- Facilitate agencies identify co-related measures of deprivation and well-being from their own datasets.
Clare County Council: Michael Neylon
Universities and Academic Research
National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis, NUI Maynooth
- The All-Island Research Observatory (AIRO) is a research unit and interactive spatial data portal based in the National University of Ireland, Maynooth. Under the guidance of the National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis (NIRSA) and the National Centre for Geo-computation (NCG), AIRO has been funded by the Higher Education Authority under Cycle Four of the Programme for Research in Third Level Institutions (PRTLI4). AIRO also acts as an integral resource for the Irish Social Science Platform (ISSP). The index data constitutes a core dataset within AIRO.
Contact: Justin Gleeson
Centre for Health Geoinformatics, NUI Maynooth
- The Centre for Health Geoinformatics at National University of Ireland Maynooth is investigating mortality in Ireland. Directly standardised mortality rates have been produced at sub-county level for the Republic of Ireland. The index data will be used to investigate the spatial correlation between the mortality data and indicators of health outcomes.
Contact: Walter French
School of Applied Social Studies, University College Dublin
- Investigation into the socio-economic context of housing developments.
- Teaching resource in the School of Applied Social Studies.
Contact: Michelle Norris
School of Medicine & Medical Studies, University College Dublin
- Development of maps for about 200 GPs who act as tutors and run student placements each year. This will complement data on their clinical interests, specialties, number of staff, registration details, patient list size, and nearest services.
- Project to map the location of opiate overdoses in Inner City Dublin, in collaboration with the Dublin Fire Brigade.
- Teaching resource in the School of Medicine & Medical Studies.
Contact: Helen Tobin
School of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering, University College Dublin
- This research is examining transport and land-use integration. More specifically, it is exploring the social equity of transport planning within the context of a post-boom and car-dominant society, using Dublin as a case-study. The project will explore equity using a number of variables, of which disadvantage is one. Groups which are typically classified as disadvantaged often have to rely more heavily on public transportation for travel, than the rest of the general population. In this regards, the Pobal HP Deprivation Index is proposed to be used to identify areas, at the small geographic unit area, in Dublin that are experiencing various levels of disadvantage, and then to assess the quality of their transportation options (particularly by foot, bicycle and public transport). It is proposed that the Pobal HP Deprivation Index will form part of a wider ‘Transport Equity’ Index.
Contact: Aife Ahern
Department of Epidemiology & Public Health, University College Cork
- The Pobal HP Deprivation Index constitutes a critical element throughout a number of research studies (PhD) which investigate the SES gradients across a variety of health outcomes.
- Teaching resource in the Department of Epidemiology & Public Health.
Contact: Ivan Perry
Trinity Biomediacal Science Institute, Trinity College Dublin
- Disease mapping projects.
Contact: Mark Herverin
Department of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering, Trinity College Dublin
- Research into the travel patterns for individuals living in deprived areas in Dublin.
- Teaching resource in the Department of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering.
Contact: Brian Caulfield
Department of Geography, Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick
- Research on deprivation in Limerick, and its links with the changing social geography of the city under the influence of both market and policy-related processes, including the Limerick Regeneration Programme.
- Comparative research on deprivation in the Gateway cities of Cork, Limerick and Galway.
Contact: Des McCafferty
Environmental Change Institute, NUI Galway
- Research project to examine how different neighbourhood, school and home environments can influence educational outcomes and experiences.
Contact: Mary Callaghan
School of Psychology, University of Ulster, Coleraine
- Research project to examine the impact of fuel poverty in Ireland North and South. The project is gathering a wide range of health indicators that are linked to housing data, as well as data concerning energy use.
Contact: Anna Czerwinska
School of Environmental Sciences, University of Ulster, Coleraine
- The Pobal HP Deprivation Index will be used for teaching and research purposes involving the geographic analysis of relationships between area-based socio-economic indicators and other physical and human environmental characteristics primarily relating to health and health care.
Contact: Adrian Moore
Private Sector
- GAMMA is an intensive user of the Pobal HP Deprivation Index data for socio-economic mapping, area-profiling, and address coding. GAMMA is also an authorised reseller of the SA level Index Data for incorporation into wider data management systems for corporate clients.
Contact: Feargal O’Neill
- The Pobal HP Deprivation Index forms part of the company’s Insurance Risk Assessment Models.
Contact: David Parke
RSA Insurance Group
- The Pobal HP Deprivation Index forms part of the company’s Insurance Risk Assessment Models.
Contact: Andrew Dowd
Patrona Underwriting Ldt. Ireland
- The Pobal HP Deprivation Index forms part of the company’s Insurance Risk Assessment Models.
Contact: Brian Hughes